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Yo-Yo Intermittent Test 1.90
The Yo-Yo Intermittent Test evaluates one'sstamina using a profile similar to sports like soccer, basketballand other similar "stop-and-go" vigorous sports.This app will allow you to conduct the following:* The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test, Level 1 and Level 2* The Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Test, Level 1 and Level 2as defined by Jens Bangsbo of Copenhagen University (December1994)It will- prompt you with voice cues or ringtones that you select- display seconds to shuttle halfway point- display seconds to next speed level- display seconds during recovery- display distance covered (incl. shuttles) and time elapsedWhen you are done, the app will provide you with- an estimated VO2_Max (recovery mode only)- an estimated calorie consumption- total distance runPrior to using it for the first time, make sure to use the"Settings" menu to customize your sounds (default sound could besilent). Also, if applicable, make sure "Notification Volume" onyour phone is turned up.This app will not allow you to directly save your results (the Proversion will); you could take a screenshot (power + lower volumebuttons simultaneously).Reference: Fitness Training in Football, a scientific approach - byJens Bangsbo, publisher August Krogh Institute - CopenhagenUniversity (December 1994).Typical Results for Yo-Yo IR1 test [Bangsbo et al. (2008)]:Male (Soccer): International level - 2420 m; Elite level - 2190 m;Moderately trained - 1810 mFemale (Soccer) : International level - 1600 m; Elite level - 1360m; Sub-elite - 1160 mWant more? The pro version ($0.99) offers:- Level.Shuttle voice cues- Additional testing options- Save, Save-Continue (group tracking), export results- Photo option when "saving"- And moreAlso from this author: The Beep Test
Yo-Yo Intermittent Pro 3.34
Test. Record. Photograph. Addressshortcomings. Get faster. Graph your progress!Yo-Yo Intermittent Pro is an enhanced version of the free Yo-YoIntermittent Test app available at help conduct the Yo-Yo Intermittent test as defined by JensBangsbo of Copenhagen UniversityIn addition to what the free version has to offer, Pro provides thefollowing:- Save Results. You can save test results (up to 999 of them)- View progress ... graphically- Multiple Users. Each result is "tagged" to a name [HowTo :]--- Switch between "Enclosure" mode and "Name" mode--- Import names from a plain text file (sdCard, Cloud[Gdrive])--- Save multiple results during a single run- Photo. Option to take a "linked" photo when saving a result- Multiple Users. Each result is "tagged" to a name- Sort Results. By Name, Distance or Date- Export Results. Send an email with the results- Paste-Special directly into a Google spreadsheet. Or copy into adelimiter-separated file to load into your favorite spreadsheetprogramWork out, stay fit, rock on![Reference: Fitness Training in Football, a scientific approach -by Jens Bangsbo (December 1994)]Group recording approaches: see on Photos:- Requires a back-facing camera- Requires the option to be turned on (within Yoyo Pro)- Every "Save" will invoke your phone's built-in photo appwhere...--- You need to press appropriate buttons to take/approve aphoto--- After which you are automatically returned to Yoyo Pro- Photos are stored in Pictures/Yoyo-mm-dd (e.g. Yoyo-08-29)- Photos are "linked" to results by their names as follows...--- Image file named HH.MM.SS-Distance (e.g. 15.05.35-420)--- The result (visible under "Results") will have the identicaltimestamp, level- Photos are accessible through regular gallery/photo apps- The app, QuickPic, is a good tool to review these photos
DVM 1st Yr Quiz - Biochemistry 2.21.8
Includes modules on Biochemistry andEndocrinologyQuiz of 185 questions, 97 imagesTopics : Biochem/Endocrinology of a typical Doctor of VeterinaryMedicine (DVM) 1st year curriculumEverything you wanted to know about:... cell signalling; cellular respiration; processing ofcarbohydrates, protein and fats; glycolysis, glycogenolysis,hyperlipidemia; LCFA, VLDL, HDL, chylomicron; beta-oxidation,ketones, ketosis, ketonemia; ammonia, transamination &deamination; insulin, glucagon; g-protein linked receptors,carnitine; propionate, butyrate & acetate; plasma vs serum,plasma proteins, albumin, globulin, A/G ratio, oncotic pressure,osmolality vs osmolarity; cholestasis, bilirubin; key diagnosticenzymes; acute phase proteins, key digestive enzymes; speciedifferences; diagnostics; hormones - synthesis, secretion, effects,chemical signalling pathways; T3, T4, goitre, hypothyroidism,hyperthyroidism; calcium, phosphate homeostasis; adrenal axis;hypothalumus negative/positive feedback;adrenocorticosteroidogenesis; RAAS; hypoglycemic vs hyperglycemichormones; disease states; and lots more... whew! but were reluctant to ask!Multiple choice Q & A (NAVLE style)Important: Use the free sampler first to get a feel for this app(rudy.dvmquiz1.sampler)Fun! Sounds, animations, funky sounds (representative of one'sscore)Serious! Supported by tons of images, detailed explanations, memorytipsRelevance! Questions designed to highlight key topicsVarious modes. Sequential, Random, moreTracks your profile, so- one can focus on "difficult" questions (Difficult mode)- questions not repeatedKeyword mode. Presents questions that match a keyword (within thequestion text)Test mode. Configurable number of questions, picked at random.Stores your score.Switch to landscape mode (to expand an image, for example)Images: pinch-zoom or double tap to zoomWorks on all sizes of phones/tabletsIdeal for revision, to supplement course workNOT designed to be used on its ownAimed at 1st Year DVM students, but senior students (even DVMs)should find this useful revisionCreated by a DVM
DVM 1st Yr Quiz - Physiology 3.04
DVM First Year Physiology - A fun way to revise. Seriously.
DVM 1st Yr Quiz - Immunology 2.21.8
Includes modules on Immunology, Hematology andHistologyTypical Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) 1st yearcurriculum158 questions, 101 imagesEverything you wanted to know about:... Immunology: innate vs adaptive defence; antigenicity vsimmunogenicity; haptens; MHC; APCs; lymphoctyes - T cells vs Bcells; CD4/ CD8; cytotoxic, helper, memory cells; primary,secondary, tertiary lymphoid organs; antigen processing; immunecell communication; anamnestic response; affinity vs avidity;complement; passive immunity; MALT, GALT; immunological"compartments"... Hematology: blood constituents; hematopoiesis; cellidentification on smears; red-cell abnormalities &classification; disease identification; primary/secondary/tertiaryhemostasis... Histology: typical presentations of various organs (liver, gallbladder, kidney, thymus, ureters, urinary bladder, tonsils, lymphnodes, hemal nodes); blood cells... but were reluctant to ask!Multiple choice Q & A (NAVLE style)Important: Use the free sampler first to get a feel for this app(rudy.dvmquiz1.sampler)Fun! Sounds, animations, funky sounds (representative of one'sscore)Serious! Supported by tons of images, detailed explanations, memorytipsRelevance! Questions designed to highlight key topicsVarious modes. Sequential, Random, moreTracks one's profile, so- one can focus on "difficult" questions (Difficult mode)- questions not repeatedKeyword mode. Presents questions that match a keyword (within thequestion text)Test mode. Configurable number of questions, picked at random.Stores your score.Switch to landscape mode on the fly (to expand an image, forexample)Images: pinch-zoom or double tap to zoomWorks on all sizes of phones/tabletsIdeal for revision, to supplement course workNOT designed to be used on its own1st Year DVM students, senior students (even DVMs) should find thisuseful revisionCreated by a DVM
DVM 1st Yr Quiz - Health Mgmt. 2.21.8
Includes modules on Health Management, AnimalBehaviour, Clinical Medicine245 questions, 144 imagesTopics : Health Management, Animal Behaviour, Clinical Medicine ofa typical Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) 1st yearcurriculumEverything you wanted to know about:... Health Management: sensitivity & specificity;positive/negative predictive value; incidence/prevalence;sequential testing; screening tests; mortality rate; risk rate;host, agent, environmental factors affecting disease; infectious vscontagious; metaphylaxis; zoonoses; Reed-Frost model; pigproduction; chicken production; dairy vs beef; horses; HACCP; BSE;California Mastitis test... Animal Behaviour: ontogeny; modal action, reflex;socialization; separation anxiety; bite inhibition; imprinttraining; coprophagy; Five Freedoms; sentience; animal welfareassessment; social group formation; genes and behaviour; hormonesand behaviour... Clinical Medicine: large/small animals; signalment; vitalsigns; basic examination; injection techniques, locations, needlesizes & gauges; restraint; drug administration techniques; andmore... but were reluctant to ask!Multiple choice Q & A (NAVLE style)Important: Use the free sampler first to get a feel for this app(rudy.dvmquiz1.sampler)Fun! Sounds, animations, funky sounds (representative of one'sscore)Serious! Supported by tons of images, detailed explanations, memorytipsRelevance! Questions designed to highlight key topicsVarious modes. Sequential, Random, moreTracks your profile, so- one can focus on "difficult" questions (Difficult mode)- questions not repeatedKeyword mode. Presents questions that match a keyword (within thequestion text)Test mode. Configurable number of questions, picked at random.Stores your score.Switch to landscape mode (to expand an image, for example)Images: pinch-zoom or double tap to zoomWorks on all sizes of phones/tabletsIdeal for revision, to supplement course workNOT designed to be used on its own1st Year DVM students, senior students (even DVMs) should find thisuseful revisionCreated by a DVM
DVM Anesthesiology 3.04
DVM Anesthesiology - A fun way to revise. Seriously.
Right Triangle 2.12
Right Angled Triangle. Calculate 3rd side (hypotenuse), angles.Real time.
Gas Cylinder Estimator 1.34
Alert! There appears to be a problem withreadings when the cylinder is less than 40% full. Please use withcaution while this issue is being fixed. Thanks.1. Press "Start Analysis"2. Tap the cylinder ONCE with a metal object (spoon, pincer)3. In seconds, the result will be displayedYou will need to experiment a bit (softer/harder taps, differentspoon) until you get consistent results. Then, stick with thatmethod.Details, Troubleshooting: Click the app's information icon.
DVM Quiz Sampler 2.14.11
Sampler of "fee" quizzesQuizzes will be topics studied in a typical Doctor ofVeterinaryMedicine (DVM)Multiple choice Q & A (NAVLE style)115 questions, 65 imagesFun! Sounds, animations, funky sounds (representative ofone'sscore)Serious! Supported by tons of images, detailed explanations,memorytipsVarious modes. Sequential, Random, moreTracks your profile, so you can focus on "difficult"questions(Difficult mode)Keyword mode. Presents questions that match a keyword (withinthequestion text)Test mode. Configurable number of questions. Stores your score.Pinch-and-zoom or double-tap to expand imageSwitch to landscape mode (to expand an image, for example)Works on all sizes of phones/tabletsIdeal for revision, to supplement course workAimed at DVM studentsCreated by a DVM
NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox 3.04
NAVLE adt aims to solidify your knowledge of Anesthesiology, Drugs& Toxicology
DVM 1st Yr - All Quizzes 3.04
A fun way to revise topics studied in a typical DVM First Year
The Triangulator 1.14
Solve a Triangle. Sides, Angles, Area!
Beep Test Pro 4.68
Test yourself or a group. Have fun. Record the results. ChartProgress!
Beep Test 4.17
Ever wondered how fit you are (but didn't know who to ask)? BeepTest can help!
Bleep Test Pro - UK Police 1.32
Prepare for the Bleep Test as a group. Have fun. Save results.Graph progress!
DVM 1st Yr Quiz - Neurology 3.04
DVM First Year Neurology, Genetics - A fun way to revise.Seriously.
FitnessGram PACER 1.33
Prepare for the FitnessGram PACER test on your own!
RTO-India Quiz 2.33
Traffic Signs quiz. India and (new!) Canada.
Bleep Test - UK Police 1.20
Prepare for the UK Police Bleep Test
Photo Auto Snapper Pro 2.03
Powerful, lightweight app to take photographs repeatedly
Photo Auto Snapper 2.04
Lightweight but powerful app to take repeated photos
Repeat Reminder 4.06
Repeat something every so often? Interval train? Check out RepeatReminder!
FitnessGram PACER Pro 2.49
Prepare for FitnessGram PACER, track progress, reach goals!
Beep Test 4.16
Ever wondered how fit you are (but didn't know who to ask)? BeepTest can help!
Treadmill Calibrator 1.03
Calibrate your Treadmill. Simple, slick, fun!
Jet Lag Buster 2.04
Preempt jet lag using this Stanford University inspired flasherapp!
Treadmill Calibrator - Trial 1.03
Calibrate your Treadmill. Simple, slick, fun!